What is RO, UV, UF, MF water purification technologies? What is Difference between RO, UV, UF and MF Purifier? Technology behind Purifier.

What is RO water purifier? What is RO, UV, UF, MF water purification technologies? What water Purifier should you buy? What is Difference between RO, UV, UF and MF Purifier? And all details about all Purifier technology, know all about the Purifier...

  • Everybody wants to buy water purifier for pure water but they are curious about Purification Technologies that what Purify Technology should to buy them? And also want to know which Purification Technologies of water purifier is the best? So today we will discuss about the all purification technologies of water purifier and share some advice before buying a water purifier.
  • Day by day our Environment is getting polluted and with same way the water is also getting polluted that’s why people is suffering from many diseases so definitely we should to drink pure water and install a water purifier at your home or office for pure water.So let’s discuss about the purification technologies..
  • There are two types of water purifier 1. Electric Purifier 2. Non Electric Purifier.
  • RO and UV technologies work on Electric Purifier.
  • UF and MF technologies works on Non Electric Purifier.

RO Purification Technology

It is a membrane filter of RO water Purifier.
Membrane filter of RO water Purifier.  
RO (Full form of RO is Reverse Osmosis)is the top purification 
technologies, there is no better technology than this. Basically 
there is one membrane filter in RO technology that is the most important part of RO purifier.
  • Actually normal water comes in front membrane filter then a motor create high pressure on water and it is passes through the membrane filter and then we get only pure water and waste water gets out through the back of Purifier.
  • Actually pores of the membrane is too small in RO technology, it is 0.0001 micron that is really too small so only pure water can passes through this and other micro particles, and some minerals cannot passes through this. It wastes 70-80% percent of water during the purification process. 

  • So generally it is used in the ship for long travel they uses the ocean’s salt water in RO purifier and get pure water.

UV Purification Technology

UV (Full form of UV is Ultraviolet) is the also good technology for purification. Nowadays UV technology is being used with RO technology. It is used for killing the bacteria, and Viruses from water. Actually normal water passes through the Ultraviolet process by membrane filter and then this UV ray kills all the harm full bacteria and viruses and we get pure water.

 UF Purification Technology 

It is a membrane filter of UF water Purifier.

UF (Full form of UF is Ultra Filtration) is one of best Purification Technology in reasonable price. It has also a membrane filter which works as same process like RO Technology but this is not totally same as RO Technology. Like Membrane filter of RO technology gives only pure water nothing can passes through this but Membrane filter of UF Technology is different.                  

  • It also purifies the water but we did not get only water. We get some micro particles and minerals with purified water. Because for membrane filter of UF Technology. Actually pores of the membrane are also small in UV technology but it is 0.01 micron.

Is Actually Purified water good for our health?

  • Actually first you have to know that what is your sources of water like government providing water, Hand water Pump or a well. Whatever actually it depends on which water sources you use for drinking water. If you had use water which is provided by the government then its fine but if you had use water of Hand Water pump or well then you have to definitely install a water purifier.

What is TDS in the Water?

It is a TDS meter, which mesures the TDS level of water.
TDS Meter

  • You can also buy a TDS meter that will show the report of TDS of your drinking water. Actually TDS meter (Total dissolved solids) measures the amount of total solids in water like Calcium, Iron, Magnesium etc.

  • According to WHO ( World Health Organization), TDS level should to be up to 500 PPM, but TDS level Above 500 PPM may be dangerous.

What water Purifier should you buy?

Actually there are many minerals like Calcium, Iron, Magnesium etc in the water but we know about RO Purification Technology that we get only water, nothing can passesits membrane filter, so all solid and minerals’ cannot passes from it that’s why we suffer from lack of essential minerals in the body. So if you live in an area where the TDS level of the water is very high and the water is in very bad condition then you should to use RO Purifier.

  • You can also buy UV Purifier which will help to kill the all dangerous viruses and bacteria.
  • You can buy any as your wish, all technology is good but you have to choose according to your needs.
  • And if you buy a water bottle and you will notice that is packed water or minerals water.

Which Drinking Water Bottle is the best?

It is a Water Bottle
Water Bottle

Packed water mean it has been purified by RO technology in which TDS level is very low it is about 10-20 PPM and Minerals water means there are minerals in the water and its TDS level is in balance, it is about 150-200 PPM.

  • Before end my Blog I will say that if you are planning to install a water purifier at your home then you should definitely buy a reputed brand. And never buy any unbranded company for minimum price.

Thank You

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